Dealing with Stress Constructively
Some of you might have heard a discussion on the radio earlier today that put a different slant on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).Psychologist Stephen Joseph's findings are encouraging not only helping sufferers and practitioners alike but might also be of use to us in dealing with everyday challenges and occasional fears.
So how about giving some thought to the following:
- Stop thinking in such black and white terms about failure. Think instead that failing at one thing might signify success at another.
- Be more flexible and broadly connected and think of ourselves as possessing numerous aspects to our personalities, with each part containing different projects or definitions of success.
- Is thinking about happiness as 'something durable but distant' better than thinking about it as something we can reach merely being able to 'step into the next room'?
- How would developing better problem solving skills - might these be a whole lot better than swallowing a magic pill?
- Who knows, confronting and sorting adds hugely to developing our sense of resilience, worth, purpose and who knows what else.....