Counselling Cardiff
Working with Rhiannon
Why are you reading this?
Do you find yourself feeling low or upset? Do you have anxiety,low self esteem, emotional worries? Perhaps you feel stressed out, or maybe you have issues around relationships?
All these things can upset your personal life and the way you confront everyday challenges.
I'm a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. I can help you overcome problems like these and many more similar ones.
Why not tell me about it?
On my 'Contact' page, you'll find an Information Box, with a link to my email address. It enables you to say in a few words and why you think talking to someone like me might help.
Meeting Me
If you'd like to meet me, I'll invite you to tell me as much as you feel comfortable with saying. Why you feel 'low' or distressed. Worried or angry, and what you think may be causing it.
I will understand. Remember, I may even have 'been there' myself!
My job is to help you test assumptions and perceptions, help you focus on the facts and the realities, and get your thinking clear. It never helps when people are confusing 'effect' with 'cause'.
Once we've done all that, we can start to map out a course of action, starting with a few easy steps, but moving onwards and upwards, always focusing on you, what you need to do, and what you're capable of doing.
Most people find that they start making progress very soon. Almost everyone needs a minimum of about 6 sessions, each lasting approximately 1 hour. We discuss the fees before we meet.
A lot of clients continue to visit me from time to time. Some even simply call for a cup of tea to tell me how things are going. Others like to come back for a reinforcement session so that they can re-establish the priorities and values they identified with me. On my Life Coaching page I explain a bit more about how our working relationship can progress.
JUST CALL ME HERE, ON 077757 43994, or go to my contact page.