CVs, Pre & Personal Statements
We live in a media age. We have to be able to tell our story, whatever it is, well and compellingly in order to get noticed.
- Many Cvs don't even get an acknowledgement.
- Competition is brutal.
- Rejection is depressing. Being ignored is worse.
And it's not just a matter of taking a template off the Internet and filling it in. In order to get your "story" noticed, read, and give it impact, you may need help!
- How do we emphasise your talents?
- Which bits of your life are more significant than others?
- What should we include/ exclude?
- What does the reader need to see?
- How can we get "them" to NOTICE me?
These are questions we've all asked ourselves at some point in our lives. Or should have done. The average CV or resume has very short survival potential, because HR managers, recruiters, admissions tutors, employers are busy people and sometimes they have literally hundreds to read.
I was once a recruiter, and I have worked extensively with young people, some of whom had big challenges to confront in the world of work.
I have plenty of experience to share on this vexed topic. Bring me your CV, resume, or personal statement and I'll help you tailor it, spell it, punctuate it, lay it out and present it.
That opportunity may still be elusive, but at least you'll be giving yourself a better chance.